
Hello! My name is Raphaëlle but most people call me Raph. I made this blog as a way for me to express myself about what I like and what is important to me. You can expect posts about beauty, lifestyle, photography, travels, films and books among other things, but also some deeper posts about happiness, mental health and body positivity and all that jazz. So if you'd like to read that, please stay !

As a way to quickly introduce myself, I thought I'd give you ten facts about me. Here goes:

  1. I am 22 years old. My birthday is on September 22.
  2. I was born and raised in France.
  3. Almost three years ago I moved to Reading, England, and this is where I've been since. I was supposed to go back to France after a year but that never happened.
  4. My dream is to become a writer. I really like translating stuff, too. 
  5. However at the moment I am working as a bartender. It's lots of fun!
  6. Music is very close to my heart. I used to play guitar. Now I am trying to get back on track with that, and I'm slowly learning piano, too.
  7. I am a massive Beatles fan, ever since I discovered their music ten years ago. No matter how shitty I'm feeling, the Beatles will always put a smile on my face. I recently took a trip to Liverpool with my dad, who's also a massive fan. One of the best times I've ever had.
  8. I am a vegetarian. 
  9. I've always had issues with my body, but recently I've discovered the body positive movement on Instagram and it is really helping me accept myself the way I am. 
  10. Makeup is one of my favourite things to spend money and time on. I am a sucker for good quality, affordable products and I like to think I know a fair bit about that now. I can't wait to share some of my favourite stuff with you !
If you're not bored yet, and you'd like to read more of my ramblings, welcome on board! 

Talk again soon,



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